Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Duckventures treatment

film treatment

working title


Technical details:

Length: 2.00
Animation Software - Adobe After Effects


Duckventures is a satire children s cartoon gone bad, for example the friendly look of the characters and background do not represent the horrible acts of murder and dark jokes taking place. the first episode shows an introduction to the characters and them walking around their farm, until an intruder comes and starts gunning them down and kills himself right after in front of a few ducklings.

target audience

My target audience is very limited, people who like the violent satirical kind of jokes will enjoy it, people that enjoy the cartoon 'south park' will probably enjoy my show.

Age: 15-21
Gender: predominantly male

My contact details

you can contact me any of the following ways:


mobile phone: 07807007597

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