Friday 7 March 2014

egg animation write up

so. i made this photoshop, imported him into after effects and then proceded to pick my audio file, in this case someone saying 'pikachu' i then broke down the word 'pikachu' into the shapes the mouth makes while saying it, proceeding to draw the shapes in photoshop, adding them into after effects later.

after both the photoshop docs and sound file were imported into after effects i took the egg man and moved all his anchor points, making them closer to where joints are in the human body to give him...better movement! then, using the pick whip to parent all the limbs to the body to make sure any movement was given to him as a whole so bits of him dont get left behind i made him waddle across the screen and wave at everyone.

now i had an animation of an egg walking and waving, great, time to add the sound and lip synch! so, i took the mouthes into a new comp. and allowed 'time remapping' so i could select what frames i wanted to show when, this allowed me to select what mouth position i wanted egg man to have while he was saying 'pikachu' and after that, i was done! :D

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